Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Summer is a time for kids to forget about school and their problems, and for them just to enjoy spending time with their families. I, personally, love the summer time. I love spending time with my friends and family and just simply relaxing from a long stressful school year.
In the summer time, my family and I always try something new. Sometimes, we just stay home all summer and even that is fun, especially after finishing a long school year. Many people do many different thing in the summer time and that's great! Some people go to the beach, some go and visit family, and some go to a summer camp. Whatever you do, just enjoy the season we know as summer.
This summer, I have a job. It's pretty exciting. After I finish my job, my family and I are going to our family camp in Arkansas to be with all my friends and family. I am looking forward to a great summer, and I hope everyone has a great summer as well. Be safe and have fun!:)


  1. Holly, it sounds like you are going to have a fun summer! What is your job going to be? I am so curious!
    ~Mrs. A

  2. Holly, I hope you have a great summer. Your blog is very encouraging and uplifting, encouraging us all to be who we are supposed to be. I hope your job is fun, and enjoy Arkansas.

    Your friend,
