Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer (Part 2)

My summer's going great so far! I have enjoyed spending some quality time with my family.My summer started off right away! After I got out of school on Friday, I had to get ready to go to a concert that my church was supporting. The concert was amazing! What a bunch of talented people! After the concert, we all went bowling. We were out until one o'clock in the morning! The next day, I went to see " Letters to Juliet" with my best friend in the entire world, Charlotte. She is the best friend I could ask for! Right now, I am visiting my grandparents. I always enjoy visiting them because they are always fun to be around and enjoy just sitting around and having a game night with the familly. I am looking forward to the rest of my summer, and I wish everyone safe traveling wherever they may be going!:)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


School is coming to an end... I am counting down the days I have left in Middle School. I believe it's four and a half days left. It's really quite sad. Just think about it, I will have passed the eight grade, and I will never be able to go back and redo any of the things I did this years. I will get all new teachers, meet all new people, and make all new memories. However, these can also be a good thing. It's good to make new experiences and new memories. It's good to have a change in scenery every now and then. I am going to miss every single one of my Middle School teachers. I hope I can at least drop by every now and then and say hi!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Summer is a time for kids to forget about school and their problems, and for them just to enjoy spending time with their families. I, personally, love the summer time. I love spending time with my friends and family and just simply relaxing from a long stressful school year.
In the summer time, my family and I always try something new. Sometimes, we just stay home all summer and even that is fun, especially after finishing a long school year. Many people do many different thing in the summer time and that's great! Some people go to the beach, some go and visit family, and some go to a summer camp. Whatever you do, just enjoy the season we know as summer.
This summer, I have a job. It's pretty exciting. After I finish my job, my family and I are going to our family camp in Arkansas to be with all my friends and family. I am looking forward to a great summer, and I hope everyone has a great summer as well. Be safe and have fun!:)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Little About Me...

My name is Holly, and I was born in Searcy, Arkansas, on September 22, 1996. I moved, at the age of three, to Jacksonville, Texas. I have three sisters, and one brother. I have been going to NBCA since fifth grade, and I have enjoyed it ever since. I love to spend time with my family and friends, read, and do sports. The Lord has blessed me all through out my life. I love Him so much and I can't wait to see what He has planned for me in the future.